Newton's third law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that whenever a force is acting on an object, an equal and opposite force is reverted back. This normally leads to a situation where the two forces cut each other out resulting in an equilibrium.
1. Wall Push- When you push against a wall, the wall exerts and equal and opposite force to you, thereby pushing you farther from the wall.
Examples Of Newton's Third Law Of Motion
2. Slap- This funny example is an easy one to understand. When you slap a person on their cheek, their cheek hurts but so does your hand. This happens because their cheek exerts a force back on your hand.
3. A Stable Book- When a book is present on a table, there is a force of attraction between the book and the earth which is cut out by the reaction force of the table on the book. This is a very good example of an object being in equilibrium after Newton's third law of motion is applied.
The examples above prove that whenever a force is applied on something/someone, then an equal and opposite force is applied back.